Thursday, October 1, 2009


Attachment is maya
Attachment is what I cannot escape from
Attachment is how I become engrossed in the world
Why can I not attach myself to your name?

Time runs out
I have not much time
Something I felt from a young age
Why can I not attach myself to Simran?

I am so ashamed
Since starting work I sacrifice our time
Please forgive me. Bless me Maharaj
Why can I not attach myself to Maharaj?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The S.I.K.H. Camp... Summer 2009!!

This summer I went to "the S.I.K.H. Camp" which was my first camp!! The camp was from 23rd to 28th August. 23rd to 25th was at Sparkhill Gurdwara and then 26th to 28th we went to Wales in the coach and stayed there. The camp was very relaxed. There were talks, activities, discussions and kirtan. Met some lovely penjis and paajis. Next year I hope to check out the other camps that take place in the UK.

Group photo of everyone at Wales! woohoo!!!! :>))

Guru Maahraaj

Maan Singh Paaji at Sparkhill giving talk!! :)

Harvey Paaji. He looks funny here! lol

Penjis!!!!! :>)

'Bob' Singh Paaji!!!!!!!! Omg! Paaji loves to talk, and talk, and talk more! By the end of him talking I was confused with what was said and just left with a headache! lol.

Listening to kirtan.

Baba Wadhbhag Singh was funny! :) He does lovely Rag Kirtan

Dav Panesar Uncle and Singhs talking.

Maan Singh being bored to death!

Jag paaji

Singhs in the kitchen!!

Amrique Kaur penji from Sikh Channel and Shearah Kaur penji! They one of the coolest penjis I have met!

Baba Wadhbag Singh doing shabadh.

Amo paaji playing thabla.


Penji doing kirtan :D

Nishan sahib sewa with Wadbhag Singh, Kamalroop Singh and Jags.


Joga paaji! Aww man he's 7ft or something! Cool Singh! :)


Kirtan in the fields

Guru Maahraaj when everyone did kirtan outside :)

Big Jag paaji, "Bob", Gurpreet, Balkar paaji, and Kamalroop paaji

Group photo with Bob, Kamalroop, and Dav Panesar Uncle.

Morning kirtan

Last day!! Maahraaj leaving. Kamalroop Paaji, Balkar Paaji and Singhs holding nishan sahibs! It was sad seeing Mahraaj leave us all.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Woohoo! I have a blog!

I have decided to make a blog to share my thoughts, photographs, and snippets from my life!

I will probably start the proper post by writing about my summer holidays and the summer camp I attended!

I don't know how often this blog will be updated so check and find out!